Sweet Summer (in May) Sun

Sweet Summer (in May) Sun
Five silly faces

Monday, December 19, 2011


Y'all. I am so sorry. We have been so ridiculously, insanely busy and I have been a completely slack blogger! So, to catch up ...

We've had our property surveyed. No big deal. No cross words spoken. But I did have the surveyors had extra markers (normal old stakes and also re-bar) now mark at several intervals on our property line.

I am finished with school for the semester ... Exams are finished and I ended up with a 3.125 GPA - .375 from making Dean's List, so I'm a little bummed about that. But I only lack 9 hours until the Degree in Communications-Journalism is mine. And then on to Grad School - but I digress!

The kiddos are on Christmas Break ... we've baked and decorated cookies (dry runs for Santa's cookies), we've painted Christmas sun catchers, we've read books, we've played play-doh, we've participated in our choir Christmas specials, we've walked dogs, we've tried new recipes out, and we've cleaned and still have more cleaning to go.

But we're still here, just swamped of late. But in case I don't get another chance to sit down and blog ...

Merry Christmas!

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